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How to hire a freelance copywriter (especially if you've been under- whelmed by the writers you typically hire).

Look for a thinker, they're in short supply.

A writer worth their salt can develop a powerful idea – and compelling narrative – from insights often buried within a brief. This talent is the key to work that separates and elevates a brand. Coming up with "What's in your wallet?" for Capital One, "The Inflight Magazine of Air Force One" for The New Republic, and  "South of the Ordinary" for DeSoto Tourism would not have been possible without it.

Truman Capote once proclaimed of a well-known contemporary: "He doesn't write, he types." Ouch! Truth is, in the marketing and creative worlds, there's a whole lot of typing going on. That's why, before pulling the trigger on a freelance writer, take the time to read – really, really, read –  their work. Then ask yourself the only question that matters: Does this writing move me...or is it meh?

Ensure your writer can, you know, write.

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If you need a writer – whether it's for a one-off project, a conceptually-driven campaign, or a new business pitch – give me a shout. CV: Global agencies, indie shops, famous brands, awards. 


Email me at or text to 206.579.8805. (Please don't if you're simply looking for the low bidder.) Thanks. And vote.

Get in touch. 

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